Tuesday 7 July 2015

The proposal.

Wat Arun, Bangkok

The day started off horrendously. I transferred money into my global traveler account as it was pay day but when I went to withdraw cash the machine kept telling me my pin number was wrong. After a frustrating automated phone call to get my pin I still couldn’t get any money out. So I stomped back to the hotel and declared that “I wasn’t going out today!” After some gentle persuasion I got over it, put on my flip flops and left the room. We grabbed a tuk tuk to take us to the local boat crossing to get to Wat Arun.

On the boat we took some selfies with our new selfie stick (essential when there are only two of you on holiday) but some weird man kept invading our space so there are a couple of photos with a new family friend.. ERGH.MEH.GERD. Anyway. We get to the temple (Temple of the Rising Dawn) and it was so peaceful. They were doing some renovation work so I guess there went bus fulls of Chinese tourists and their flags (long story). Anyway I went into the main large temple and there was a monk sitting reading. I sat on the floor with him and just was. I didn’t take pictures, I didn’t speak, I didn’t have any thoughts in my head. I just sat there and felt all my worries, fears and thoughts escape me. I’ve never felt like that before. We wandered around a little more we found a nice place to take a picture. It was like a set of steps which were covered in mosaics and it was so pretty. We sat on the steps for a little while just taking silly selfies and then IT HAPPENED.


20th May 2015, Wat Arun in Thailand; he proposed!

I felt the air being burgled from my body. Who knew a simple question could spark such physical reactions. I was just in shock. Pure shock. I couldn’t function. I was shaking, sweating, and trying to put together the words tell him how much he meant to me and how much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Instead, I think I kept saying, “are you being serious?!” romantic huh?!
Then the tears came, tears of happiness burning my eyes and most definitely making his confidence soggy. By this point I still hadn’t said yes. I eventually managed to get some words from my head to my mouth.

And there it is; our perfect proposal.